Meet Petey!
Petey was named after Dustin Pedroia from the Boston Red Sox. Off The Leash opened November 5th 2007, that is just a week after the RedSox won the World Series with help of the rookie of the year Pedroia. Our rookie year we decided to name our mascot Petey in honor of Dustin hoping that there were good days to come. It sure seems like we are well on our way… We have the best staff around, they care so much about your dogs and will always treat them like they were their own. Together we make a great team who will dedicate all our time for you and your pups.
Petey has high hopes for the dogs in the greater Attleboro area, and he knows that with some hard work we will have the most well behaved, best groomed, and healthiest doggies around! Not to mention, Petey has some very good friends who have come from FAAS (Friends of Attleboro Animal Shelter).

Petey is a firm believer in doing all he can for his not so lucky friends who are still in need of a forever home. He cares so much he invites one of them to come and play, in hopes someone will recognize how special they are. If you are ever considering a new addition to your home ask us about some of the dogs we’re working with from local shelters. Petey will be happy to give you his woof of approval!
Petey is the ultimate dog and he is here to serve you and all of his doggie buddies! If you ever have any questions, please let him know, if he isn’t available one of us at OTL will be happy to help.