Body by OTL Gym Membership

$55 per month – minimum 3 month commitment

Our canine friends -puppies & seniors alike – can benefit from a stretching and strengthening program. It can build and maintain muscle mass, improve body awareness and balance, and provide a physical and mental workout. This membership program designed to expose your dog to different activities while having FUN!

Body by OTL Membership at Off The Leash Doggie Daycare
  • 3 half hour sessions per month

  • We cover all three areas monthly (Cardio, Balance/Core/Conditioning, Agility)
  • Gym membership activities are included in the Petey’s Pals Program
  • Photo journey of your pup’s progress

  • Text message progress report

Sessions will start with stretching & warm up exercises, including: Play bow, Paws on chair, Cookies at the hip & Tug.

After warm up, we’ll focus on one area below for each of the three sessions during the month.


  • Treadmill Session
  • Long lead walk/run
  • Brisk walk -Run

Balance, Core Work, Conditioning

  • Balance Pods
  • Pup Push Ups
  • Donut & Peanut Balance Equipment
  • Klimb Equipment
  • Wobble Board
  • Training Platforms


  • Weave Poles
  • Balance Platforms
  • Standard Jumps
  • Tunnel Time!
  • Step Stool Stroll

How do I sign up?

Sign up via the OTL App, text, or email
Let us know by the 1st of the month and we’ll be sure to get you enrolled in our memberships/club!

Additional Info:

We will be using our treats for the program but if your pup has allergies, let us know and we can ensure we use the correct treats!